Information Evenings for Parents

Bullying and Cyber Bullying Information Evenings for Parents


Bully 4U’s information evenings for parents are extremely popular. They provide parents with a thorough background and understanding of the issues of bullying and cyber bullying. They are very interactive and sensitive, given that some parents in the audience may be experiencing and grappling with issues their child(ren) are currently experiencing. These evenings provide participants with the benefits of the vast expertise and experience Bully 4U have gathered from every county in Ireland and internationally. Afterwards an excellent and at times emotive video will be shown. The evening typically take 75 minutes and concludes with a question and answer session, which will allow time for participants to address specific issues.

These interactive talks are extremely popular as part of Parents Association AGMs. Please be advised that early booking is advisable

Please find below some information on the evening’s content. We will also discuss any special requirements your parent’s association / school has and incorporate them into the workshops.


  • Definitions of Bullying
  • Types of Bullying.
  • How schools act on Bullying.
  • Is my child being Bullied?
    • Signs and symptoms
      • Physical, Behavioural and Academic
  • What to do if your child is being bullied
  • What not to do
  • Children who Bully…..”not my child”
  • If your child is bullying
  • The Bystander
  • What is Cyber Bullying?
  • Types of Cyber Bullying
  • Advice for your child regarding Cyber Bullying
  • What can parents do?
  • Don’t be Cyber Bullied… CyberSMART
  • Why we need an anti bullying policy
    • Department of Education guidelines
  • Investigating
    • Strategies for resolution
  • Essentials of an anti bullying school