What schools can do about Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is a complex issue which transcends the school environment, as it often occurs on home computers or mobile phones. Education in the broader sense within the home and community is therefore vitally important. However steps can be taken to make schools safer when it comes to the use of technology. A school’s anti bullying policy or statement, developed in conjunction with parents and the wider community, should also be incorporated in an acceptable use policy (AUP). Information on developing an AUP for general technology use within schools is available on Webwise. These policies should be rigorously implemented and regularly reviewed.

Schools can also play a role through Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) which provides pupils with opportunities to develop the skills and competencies to care for themselves and others and to make informed decisions about their health, personal lives and social development. The National Centre for Technology Education working with SPHE curriculum bodies has developed resources that enable pupils to explore their attitudes and safety when using the internet and mobile phones. The modules contain lesson plans, activity sheets and interactive online lessons. Find these resources on Webwise.