One in five Irish kids experience cyberbullying, shocking new survey reveals. [Mirror, by Leandro Pondoc, 04/08/2016]

The study also found 1 in 10 adults experience online bullying of their own

One in five Irish kids say that they have been the victim of cyberbullies, a shocking new survey has revealed.
The survey, conducted by ZenithOptimedia, talked to 1,000 adults and 186 kids as part of a study into Internet safety and online bullying in Ireland.
The research found that Irish parents significantly underestimate how common cyberbullying is with children, just 10% of parents confessing they think their children have been victims.
More than a third of kids who admitted to being cyberbullied also said they experienced feelings of depression.

Declan Kelly, Deputy MD at ZenithOptimedia, said: “We carried out this research to look at how Irish people are interacting with the Internet on a daily basis.
“What it [the research] also showed was the inconsistency between parents’ perception of what’s happening with their children online and the reality.”
The study found that more than half of cyberbullying experienced by kids happens on Facebook (51%), compared to other social media services like Instagram (14%).
Meanwhile, when it comes to Snapchat, bullying was found to be higher among girls (29%) than boys (16%).
The research also went into online bullying among adults and found that 1 in 10 adults have admitted to being bullied online.
For adults, the platform for online bullying was disproportionally found to be on Facebook (68%0 compared to other platforms such as Twitter (12%) and Snapchat (7%).
A third of the adults surveyed say that someone has spread lies and rumours about them online, with 18% saying they have had an embarrassing photograph put online and 35% saying they received “threatening texts or emails.”
A worrying 1 in 4 Irish women have said that they are victims of body shaming online in comparison to just 16% with adult men and 9% with children.
When asked about how to counteract online bullying, the most popular course of action, according to both adult and child victims, was ‘unfollowing’ or ‘unfriending’ said bullies.